8 Human-Centric Marketing for Brand Attraction
Human Centric approach deals with a style that touches the minds, hearts and spirits of the target market. Human centric marketing deals with addressing the emotional desires and core aspirations. Marketers need to leverage human centricity and embrace the world of artificial intelligence, when algorithms, AI or even programs may understand and feel the needs of the consumers. Consumers will search for something that feels real and less hard selling. Human centric is building the brand character and living up to it. Digital anthropology is used to determine the target persona’s deepest desires and worries.
- Understanding Humans Using Digital Anthropology
Digital Anthropology is focusing on the connection or link between humans and the digital world. This can also determine how people perceive your brand or brand equity. This explains how human behaves in the digital world and how technology is being used humans to communicate to one another. Anthropology, the study of sciences and human behaviour aids in knowing he culture and social behaviour of ethnic groups, what is it for us? As digital marketer, we have to know how to tap the groups and identify the social behaviour of our desired market. Using the Social listening, Netropology and Empathic research we will be able to know how our potential guests behave and the resort needs to be visible and explore these channels.
Social Listening (IMMERSED)- Social listening is used by lurking. This is a method of observing how the guests react to our post how they communicate, what are the frequently asked questions that they ask, how they react on a certain content in Facebook page. The key work is “Social Listening” this is usually analysing big data as well to monitor conversation and purchase behaviour, identifying the potential leads. Social Customer relationship Management can be used to see how people give feedback, comments, suggestion, questions, and violent reactions. Social listening is a tool to compete with other brands using big data analytics and business intelligence. In addition, the resort can engage in social listening by offline methods, phone interviews or sentiments of the ones that are inquiring, reservation officers should keep be able to read between the lines, understand the behaviour of those guests who are calling, complaining, guest filling out the survey forms and of just for the sake of giving information. To be more efficient and effective, reservation officers should practice taking down notes on what has been discovered in online and phone conversations then bring this in the monthly general customer relations (something like fgd) meeting as the needs might change from time to time.
Netropology (MORE IMMERSED, HIGH LEVEL OF EMPATHY) – Ethnography are e tribes or online communities. The guests are being observed when they speak in communities or groups. In the resorts case, the company should observe and join Facebook ethnic groups like online communities about camping, outdoor hiking, travel communities, camp and bike for bikers, mountaineering groups. The resort engage in joining social groups related to travel. The proposal was also to build an online community for avid campers that will aid the how to’s. The community website will serve an information hub, a support for campers and futher promote camping as a trend, it will feature articles that will aid guests on how to plan a successful beach outing. It will increase awareness about the resort. Offering information to others that is of value with its members will ultimately make the business successful. Members will be abe to interact with others of similar interest – the outdoors and the beach. The community will not engage in hardselling but will focus on building a sustainable community of campers and potential guests. The community aims to educate what is in store for them in Calatagan Batangas. It will be an avenue to know more about the business. This is also a good startegy to get closer to the members and get brand ambassadors to talk about the resort. Communities can develop close relationships, the more opportunities you will eventually have of offering them the service since profile is already stored in the database. We will create a community page named “CalataganBeachCamp.org” that will showcase different Categories related to camping that will let guest to actively participate and have them deeply engaged as active members.
Special topics will be covered like the following:
1. Safety precautions when riding a Banana Boat. 2. What to bring during fishing in salt water. 3. How to make a perfect sand castle at the beach. 4. Snorkeling guidelines. 5. How to prepare for a Beach volleyball game. 6. Beach Team Building Suggestions. 7. How to set up a bonfire for kids. 8. Boat ride and Island hopping essentials.
1. How to prepare for your favorite grilled dishes. 2. Ideal food for your Beach camping. 3. Quick snacks for kids during Beach Camping. 4. Cooking pots, pans and utensils that you need to bring during beach camping. 5. Different types of coolers for beach camping.
1. Kinds of life jackets and floaters for kids. 2. How to secure your camping tents at night. 3. What should be in your First aid kit during camping? 4. How to secure your belonging in a crowded camping area. 5. How to deal with burns from camp fire during your trip.
1. What to do when it rains in your tent area. 2. Basic camping gears. 3. Beach-specific items to bring for recreation.
1. How to maintain a clean camping spot. 2. How to properly dispose your garbage on your beach camping trip. 3. How to preserve sea life and marine animals 4. How to rehabilitate reef
Emphatic Research (PARTICIPATORY IMMERSION) – this is research method to discover the suppressed guest needs. This is in person observation, dialogue and brain storming collaboration among researchers to come up with a summarized conclusion. Emphatic research is closest to traditional ethnography, this can be done by attending the meet-ups of travelers, avid campers, beach lovers, mountaineering groups, camp and bikers to further determine their demands and wants and emotional needs. A team may be form just like in the medical field there are multidisciplinary meetings, to discuss the approach, plans, execution, planning, leading, organizing, controlling and brainstorming for a strategic approach done by a team of experts like psychologist, product designers, marketers, beach lover, camping expert, a mystery guest that can immerse to the communities to further observe the needs and actual behavior of the market. This will aid in coming up with a new product campaign that will aid and fulfill the mission “To provide an affordable customized beach camping experience, to give a 100% response rate in all inquiries and provide a perfect venue for reuniting friends and families. With its dedication to the environment, excellent customer service and to provide prime grade camping amenities, Casa Astillero aims to give a cherished experience that will be remembered throughout the years.“
Building the 6 Attributes of Human-Centric Brands
In order for a brand to be more attractive and be perceived as a friend that can understand the needs of their guests, it must then possess the 6 attributes of a complete human being and be a role model for its employees. This brand character will be so string that it can be easily be distinguished by one by just taking to any of its representative may be online or offline.
The beach resort offers not just camping and swimming, but also lots of activities that you can get excited about. The resort will surely give its guests endless discovery of what nature can offer.
Young, Adventurous & Romantic
It is inviting to explore nature and the outdoors; it is young at heart and willing to try new things that deepen the love and respect for nature and all of its wonder and significance.
Reasonable & Compassionate
It takes into consideration the current market rate and need of specific market segments. Price is very competitive and even low income earners and students can afford to enjoy the place.
Adaptable & Fit for all season
Sensitive of the needs of its guests, Casa Astillero adjusts he price and introduces promos for different seasons like rainy season and special occasions like Fathers day etc. It offers different packages that cater to the specific time of the year.
Friendly & Sociable
Its staff is easy to talk to, customer is the no 1 priority, has a great sense of humor and very approachable.
Generous & Kind
It does not hesitate to upgrade accommodation and give freebies like free bonfire, free banana leaf and use of volleyball court. It also gives discounts to guests and regular visitors for optimum beach experience.
Helpful & Reliable
It shares its expertise in outdoor activities e.g. setting up a bonfire or pitching tents. It is willing to give assistance to its guests round the clock.
Polite & Warmhearted and environmentally responsible
It treats its guest with respect and sincerity, making sure that all its needs are addressed in a timely manner. As well as all needs of the environment is being taken care of.
Physical – Physical brand identity involves logo and tag line. Our logo is an actual description of what to expect, native huts and kawayan. And a tag line that is human centric. “To provide a wonderful camping experience that will unite friends and families that will be cherished and remembered though out the years.”

Intellectuality – The ability to innovate will be shown on how the resort can mix all digital channels and make the integration benefit one channel to another. The resort do not just focus on bench-marking as it style and strategy but it also focus on supporting leadership activities like the suggestion system of employees, a very cost effective because it also increases morale of its employees. The resort will mobilize for change not for sustainability alone.
Sociability – This pertains to verbal and non-verbal communication skills of talking to guests just like a friend or sister. Speed and urgency in answering questions are the key factors to be monitored across all media channels online or offline.
The resort should communicate and convey this brand voice in social activities.
- Casa Astillero Beach Resort is cool, calm, and collected and can make you feel relaxed and stress free with its breath-taking sunrise and the sunset.
- Casa Astillero is light-hearted and adventurous, adaptable to any situation.
- It talks like a best friend or a good companion, it has dedicated and cheerful staff that shows expertise in outdoor camping and gives suggestions, beach camping tips for a picture perfect getaway.
- It loves nature and shows empathy in preserving Mother Nature.
- Casa Astillero Beach Resort is warm and welcoming; it treats its guest like a family member.
- Casa Astillero Beach Resort is fun, homey and lively. It has an on-the-go attitude; it is ready to accept visitors and guests anytime 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
- Casa Astillero Beach Resort is expressive of individuality and encourages simplicity and freedom.
Emotionality – This is connecting with the guest in an emotional level and understand the needs of its target market. It understand the core desires of its guests which could be the following:
Corporate Events Personnel
Working Professional
College student
Government Employee
Corporate Events Personnel
Working Professional
College student
Government Employee
Emotional needs
Sense of autonomy and control, Being emotionally connected to others, Unity
Self- reliance, Self-assurance,
Independence, Confidence, Individualism
Attention, Love, Respect, Security
Core desires & Psychographics
To get foster unity in the organization and build friendship.
“I need to find an affordable place for team building that will develop camaraderie of our employees.”
To live independently, have a stable career and financial freedom.
“I need a break! I want to spend a weekend at the beach that is of good proximity to Manila.”
To live a carefree life, explore new things and establish social relationships.
“It is my birthday and I want to treat my classmates in an outing where we can camp and have an exciting bonfire party come night time.”
To give the best for their families and keep family intact.
“I need to get a reservation for a venue that could accommodate 40 people for the family’s annual holy week reunion.”
1. Has the responsibility to maintain harmonious and amicable relationship within the company.
2. Evaluates employee’s behaviour and attitude.
3. Conceptualize, develop and disseminate information to maximize HR/Admin Division budget.
1. Actively participates in peer/group hangouts.
2. Spends most spare time with close friends and workmates.
3. Exerts considerable effort in getting and maximizing breaks from work’s daily grind.
1. Wanting to belong in a group.
2. Wants to spend time with friends and classmates.
3. Closely watches expenses but always contributes and shares to his group especially on special occasions.
4. Wants attention from peers.
1. Needs to focus on work without sacrificing time for family and friends.
2. Needs to work longer hours to make ends meet and earn a decent income.
3. Want to keep things within budget.
Identifying traits/ Attitudes
Single, Broad-minded, Communicative, Compassionate, Generous
Married, Career Oriented, Easy-going, Optimistic, Passionate
Single, adventurous, creative, Simple, Enthusiastic, Friendly, Funny
Married, Affectionate, Considerate, Decisive, Loving, Practical
Personability – The company also can demonstrate flaws, as humans are not perfect being, this is evident in some negative reviews that we receive. We carefully digest the details of a negative comment and address it accordingly. The company takes action on guest feedback, the information is spread across the whole organization so that everyone can be aware and help in taking action of improving the product, accommodation and service. The recent issue was about flies in the area, we review trip advisor’s comment. We forward it to the management, then to the marketing department so that the team can email the person who commented, and it was also forwarded to the housekeeping department so that they can be aware of what has reached the manila office and take action about it. What is important is that the employees have learned some lessons along the way. The rule that we practice is “Whenever you fall, make sure you pick up something and stand up again”
Morality – The company practices environmental protection of marine life animals and human nature, promote conservation of water and electricity. We follow legal requirements like permits etc. E.g. paying necessary ecological fees. On the moral level, we have set standards that will promote health, safety and life. Our lifeguards are instructed to call help when someone is drowning but on an ethical personal standpoint he could leave his post and save the drowning man. Morality is shared principles and norms that our ethics committee can impose like avoiding extra marital affairs that is socially unacceptable. Ethical values on a deeper sense is an obligation to do what the conscience dictates, it is the domain of free choice.
This is our obligation It core values are the following that guides the morale of its employees:
Promoting an ethical practices and displaying honesty in dealing with co-workers and with guests, upholding right conduct and behavior and taking responsibility for our actions.
Respect for all
Fostering a trusting, open and inclusive workplace wherein there is no discrimination of age, sex, religion and educational attainment. Everyone has to work as a family and foster unity as it is its mission to unite family and friends that nurtures a happy environment.
Responsibility and Environmental Sustainability
Fulfilling our obligation to preserve nature by preserving natural resources, sea life and marine animals to maintain and support long term ecological balance by being responsible in garbage segregation for appropriate disposal.
Exercising safety first, prioritizing care and security among all members of the organization and to its guest. Safeguarding lives and well being without sacrificing the enjoyment that the recreational activities can offer.
Superior Customer Service
Attracting and developing the best talent to address camping needs for excellent customer satisfaction, demonstrating a “sunny attitude”, implementing a people oriented service and promoting creative and collaborative sharing of ideas.
Valuing relationships and faithfulness by building a better and stronger company for the future generations, meeting the commitment to stakeholders and developing our people to further develop and grow in a harmonious environment that can keep long lasting guest relations.

2. Summary: When Brands Become Humans
For a brand to be more human, it should be addressing the anxieties and desires of its market. The tools can be Social Listening where the brand should immerse or engage, Netropology, immerse and empathize and lastly, Empathic Research which requires immersion and participation. The brand should also be physically attractive, intellectually engaging, socially involved and emotionally dedicated to what it is doing.
A. What are the deepest anxieties and desires of your customers?
The mission addresses the need to reunite family and friends to foster a long lasting relationship with love ones.
- To get foster unity in the organization and build friendship.(Head of Company Team buildings)
- To live independently, have a stable career and financial freedom. (Career driven person)
- To live a carefree life, explore new things and establish social relationships (Youth and avid camper)
- To give the best for their families and keep family intact. (Head of the family)
B. Does your brand possess human qualities? What can you do to make it more human?
Yes, we have built a brand character, voice and personality as mentioned above. The core values are guiding the organization in implementing legal, moral and ethical values.