3 The Influential Digital Subcultures .
1. Youth: Acquiring the Mindshare
The youth usually are the trendsetters. They can influence the older generation in terms of the latest trends in fashion, music, food, sports and technology. Tapping the youth who are usually the ones eager to try new things in the market could reach the conventional market positively. They are creators in the techno graphic ladder and could be creators of YouTube videos and Vblogs.
They are potential customers as they will eventually work and earn, then spend for a brand that they believe in. They are also considered as the most profitable customers because of their capacity to buy in the near future. The goal is to influence their minds that your product is cool and worth trying e.g. I pods, Netflix etc. They have a digital lifestyle that takes into account the possibility of hitting a pool of followers. Youth also can adapt to changing technology and trends, if this happens they are the best brand ambassadors for any time of business because they are considered as “game changers.”
2. Women: Growing the Market Share
Women, especially the stay at home moms and housewives have the time to do research over the internet compared to men who are usually preoccupied with work. They have the final say in purchasing decisions. They lurk “lurkers” over the net for the best products and services for their families. They are also considered as spectators.
Women can multi task and as information collectors, their behavior spending habits are relatively different compared to men, they make sure that they have researched well. Let say for example the way a woman do grocery, they go to every isle back and forth to compare products. This is also how they research over the net. As a result their counterparts, friends and relatives trust their instincts and decision when purchasing something because of their attention to detail.
3. Netizens: Expanding the Heart Share
Netizens are the internet savvy potential brand keepers and ambassadors, they are critics and joiners or groups and communities. They are highly influential because they can blog, create info graphics, videos to express their thoughts about a product or services. They are “creators, collectors and critics” in the techno graphic ladder because they put action and consume whatever they find online. Their desire to always be connected is what companies can take advantage of. They are social connectors and evangelist and are usually online and chatting to people in Facebook messenger, Viber, Whatsapp and other app where they can voice their opinion by commenting, voting, liking sharing posts. They have almost all social media apps like Instagram, Pinterest etc. They can be potentially lovers or haters of your brand and this can affect your online engagement.

4. Summary: Youth, Women and Netizens
Youth, Women and Netizens are the most influential people in this digital age. They are considered as minorities in the society. However, they give the biggest impact in social media, mainly because they are the ones that are heavily attached to social networks and could affect mainstream culture. They can create a huge impact in your business because of their large network of friends and family. YMN when impressed can contribute to good engagement to promote your brand.
A. How can your business acquire greater mind share by leveraging youth’s roles of early adopters and trendsetters.
Beach Camping is the new trend and majority of guests who are booking for an accommodation are newly grads working for the call center industry. They can be the new set of trend setters and as we introduce Glamping as the latest trend in camping, we can take advantage of their abilities to influence others as soon as they have tried our new service. They have the eagerness and willingness to try new things and they can simply create videos, blogs and vbogs about their adventure. Older generations are not as carefree and thrill seeking. The youth can simply invite their families and older generation if they envision a positive and memorable experience that can be cherished and treasured with their love ones. Youth in their late teens also may be brand advocates when they see pictures of the beach, beach activities, thrilling boat rides and banana boat rides. They can convince their parents to visit the resort and no one can resist a young adult when parents and grandparents would want to enjoy a bonding activity them. Moreover, Student campers are enthusiastic, friendly and funny, these are the traits of the youth population, and they would like to experience independence and confidence. Their core desire is to live a carefree life, explore new things and establish social relationships. They are usually equipped with a tablet or mobile phones. By understanding this, the resort can use mobile channels.
B. How can your business grow market share by leveraging the household influence of women?
Mothers with young kids who would like to introduce their children to the sand and water is another target persona, they have this ability to search and research the web for the most affordable yet safest beach camp sites. Casa Astillero also have air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned rooms that we call “Kabanas” that is even suitable for pregnant women. The resort can leverage on its decent and clean camping restrooms that sets us apart from other resorts. Housewives and Mothers are decision makers when it comes to recreational activities for the family. Mothers and housewives are affectionate, loving and practical. They need love, attention, respect and security. Their core desire is to give the best for their families and keep the family intact. The resort should understand that they want to keep things within budget and so we should make rates reasonable. They usually have laptops or desktops at home and is heavily attached to their smartphones to get in touch with their husbands and relatives.
C. How can your business identify and utilize Netizens to win greater heart share?
Netizens who are frequently online and has been spending more than 5-10 hours online per day can be tapped by being visible in almost all social media channels especially on Facebook. They are fond of joining groups and organizations that best fit their interest. An avid camper for example joins organization and FB groups that involves outdoors, hiking, snorkeling, fishing, camping, travel, mountaineering etc. The company can leverage in group tour packages in order to tap the Netizens who has this interest. Netizens who are creators, collectors and critics can be reached through posting ads on various FB groups in relation to travel. Netizens are optimistic and passionate about building their social circle. They share posts, engage, constantly likes posts and comments. Their core desire is to freely express their thoughts and feelings, very much active online and actively participates in peer/group online hangouts. The resort may also come up with a community website to cater the needs of avid campers, this community page will discuss reef rehabilitation, safety measures during camping, recommended beach activities that will eventually touch the hearts of the passionate avid campers who would like to make a difference and are very much engaged in online activities.